Use "has no sense of|have no sense of" in a sentence

1. You people have no sense of humor, no sense of joy, no sense of joie de vivre. You are so young.

2. He has no sense of responsibility.

3. 7 Have you no sense of decency?

4. Kids today have no sense of propriety.

5. Kids of that age have no road sense.

6. That child has had no common sense!

7. No one has a sense of humour like Mr. Funny.

8. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?

9. He had no sense of humor.

10. Anosmia: Having No Sense of Smell

11. She felt no sense of homecoming.

12. He is lazy, and furthermore, he has no sense of responsibility.

13. Despite this, the average Zerg has no sense of self preservation.

14. No, this is really important to have this sense of scale.

15. That makes no sense.

16. Don't make no sense.

17. He had no sense of rhythm whatsoever.

18. 19 There was no sense of grievance.

19. The scar tissue, devoid of nerve endings, has no more sense of feeling.

20. Which way is it? - I have no/a lousy sense of direction!

21. It makes no fucking sense.

22. This makes no sense, right?

23. There will be no overriding sense of direction.

24. That makes no biological sense.

25. They have a highly developed sense of national identity but almost no sense of responsibility towards the state they live in.

26. But there is no nagging sense of anachronism.

27. There is no childish luster to them, no happy sense of wonder, no innocent trust.

28. Heaven needs no hearing, ecstasy needs no sight void my sense of self

29. But animals can have no expectations in this sense since they lack moral personality - a sense of rightful give and take.

30. There is no sense of urgency on either side.

31. In no other sense has the Convertibility of force, at present, any scientific meaning

32. It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.

33. She has absolutely no sense of humor, but she's really good at telling time.

34. 6 It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.

35. No classical epic in the strict sense has ever appeared in Chinese history of poetry.

36. No sense in your getting a lot of ridiculous publicity.

37. 12 They're just moral degenerates with no sense of decency.

38. All right, I'll go without you - you guys have no sense of adventure at all!

39. D'Arquebus Senior's pedantic excuses made no sense.

40. Morris' movies always have an offbeat sense of humor, and this one is no exception.

41. The opposite sex has no sense whatever when it comes to their limits.

42. No opposition, no adversariality -- not necessarily any arguing in the adversarial sense.

43. 17 Is there no sense of decency left in this country?

44. When that is taken away, the new retiree may no longer have a sense of purpose.

45. No sense taking any chances in this thing.

46. The words 'Afforded' to me makes no sense

47. No, he'll be inspired by my common sense.

48. No wonder they're not laughing at any of the jokes—Edward has such a Cornball sense of humor

49. No wonder they're not laughing at any of the jokes—Edward has such a Cornball sense of humor

50. But whilst we have an overwhelmingly vivid visual understanding of space, we have no sense of what space sounds like.

51. 26 It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster.

52. People no longer spend money with a civic sense.

53. No sense in making a mountain over a molehill.

54. No, man’s common sense cannot guarantee the right direction.

55. He's a complete nutter. He's got no sense whatsoever.

56. There is no sense in beating around the bush.

57. Acedia regarding holy things: No desire to care/pray, no ability to hear, no sense of peace … all are symptomatic of demonic attack

58. Immodest words admit of no defense, for want of modesty is want of sense.

59. There are no “abbots,” or “fathers,” in that sense.

60. Come along, Osmond. No sense in your standing around.

61. There's just no sense haggling about low a price.

62. Your brain also has its own sense of what you should weigh, no matter what you consciously believe.

63. If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide. Mahatma Gandhi 

64. The prior is universal in the Turing-computability sense, i.e. no string has zero probability.

65. No sense of personal space kind of smells like chicken, looks like a potato.

66. The Amycus is a no-nonsense frame that exudes a sense of power

67. 26 Unfortunately, television conveys no sense of morality since it is itself amoral.

68. No amount of Brainwork has conjured any sense from Iffley, and the etymology has been placed on the shelf as “unknown”

69. The Amycus is a no-nonsense frame that exudes a sense of power

70. He had no sense of give and take; no idea of the concessions one made for the sake of social comfort.

71. No sense trying to sell fish to a fisherman, eh?

72. It makes no sense that the keymaster can get Bozoed.

73. As a series of real numbers it diverges to infinity, so in the usual sense it has no sum.

74. Be niggards of advice on no pretence, For the worst Avarice is that of Sense.

75. 6 This computer has no machine code instruction set or data formats in the ordinary sense.

76. The monarchy mystifies, no doubt of that - in the full sense of the term " mystification " .

77. These people, most of them serious, Brainless people with no sense of humour, have to think of an insulting nickname for me

78. The London Planetarium no longer strikes one with quite the same sense of awe, because planetariums are no longer new.

79. It makes no sense to call this unipolar or multi-polar.

80. By the way, that ending really made no sense at all.